ACE International Academy


Worthwhile School

I visited the school and met the principal. I was so impressed that I put my kid in this school.

Maryam Sakandar

Parent & Teacher


Maryam Sakandar

Parent & Teacher

I visited the school and met the principal. I was so impressed that I put my kid in this school.

Positive Impact

I would like to extend my deep gratitude to the management of ACE Academy for arranging an extremely informative and inspiring visit for us.

Dr. Asim Fasih Khan

Director of Education



Dr. Asim Fasih Khan

Director of Education


I would like to extend my deep gratitude to the management of ACE Academy for arranging an extremely informative and […]

At ACE International Academy, we understand that connecting with other students is one of the most important parts of a great school experience. That’s why we offer a multitude of physical and non-physical clubs designed to challenge and extend learning through these extra-curricular activities.

These teacher-directed student engagement activities include basketball, volleyball, cricket, table tennis, snooker, football, dance, badminton, home economics,
art and craft, media, choir, science, computer game programming, board games, painting, martial arts, robotics, drama and oratory club.