The academic year runs from September to June.
There are three (03) terms in the Primary Section and two(02) in the Secondary / A Level Section:
First Term: September – December
Second Term: January – March
Third Term: April – June
First Term: September – January
Second Term: February – June
- The Academy will be open from Monday to Thursday from 08h00 to 15h10 and on Friday from 08h00 till 12h30.Students must report to the Academy by 07h45.
- Timings for Playgroup and Nursery are from 07h45 to 12h30 and from 07h45 until 14h00 for KG 1 and KG 2.
- The Academy gates will be closed at the ringing of the bell in the morning at 08h00. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the campus unless parents have informed the Academy.
- Any change in the Academy timing on account of examinations or other programmes in the Academy will be communicated to parents.
- Students picked up late after school-time may be required to pay additional fee on monthly basis.