The Academy offers a curriculum based on the guidelines of the Cambridge International Curriculum Lower Primary and Primary Syllabus. This is a structured curriculum which acknowledges the importance of English language (Speaking and listening, reading and writing), Numeracy (Mathematics), Science and also aims to provide a broad-based, child-centered approach to education. We also offer Urdu, Mandarin, Islamiyat, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), History and Geography as core subjects. Within this framework, due regard is given to creative art, music, drama, physical, social and moral development. Strong emphasis on thinking skills is essential in education for a multi-cultural society which will, hopefully equip our children for their future lives. There is also a firm commitment to self-discipline for children.
The curricula consists of the following:
Learning Structures
The Foundation Stage Curriculum
The foundation stage is the period of education from 3 to 5 years of age. The last year of foundation stage is often called the Reception year (KG1)
It is called the Foundation Stage because it gives children a secure foundation for later learning. Childhood is important and we want all our children to have enjoyable and satisfying childhood experiences. Early experiences also affect children’s attitudes to basic learning. They create the basis for later learning, in the Academy and beyond. There are seven areas of young children’s development and learning as follows:
Three prime areas:
and four specific areas:
During the foundation stage these areas of learning will be introduced in ways that are suitable for young children, often through play and hands on activities. We also introduce phonics through Phonics International with elements from Jolly Phonics and Letters and Sounds which is combined with THRASS (teaching, handwriting, reading, sound and spellings).
As a parent, you are your child’s first teacher. The support and encouragement you provide are important throughout your child’s academic life, and especially during the early years and we believe in a strong partnership between school and home.
Key Stage 1
KG2 and Grade 1,2
At this stage an important aim of the curricula is described as “Learning to Learn”. This process involves the development of confidence and independence, including the ability to persist and to learn from mistakes.
The children have a wide and varying curriculum accommodating their individual needs. Smooth transition is achieved through planning which builds on the Foundation Stage.
The children progress through the Curriculum when they are ready to access it. The children learn through a thematic approach supported by a wide range of activities. The Academy emphasizes on Phonemic development, creative development and thinking skills. We encourage much interaction to promote and develop their confidence during their Literacy and Numeracy lessons.
Key Stage 2
Grades 3, 4 and 5
This transition phase is an extremely important time when children in Grade 2 will be building upon their skills base in core subjects to ensure that they are equipped to fully participate in the extended Key Stage 2 curriculum.
We aim to provide an enjoyable, varied and creative curriculum that motivates our children to learn and engages their imaginations. Our children will all be able to achieve and excel in all areas of Academy life and will leave Primary section as independent, confident learners with the life skills they need to help them find further success.
Some work will be planned through cross-curricular topics or projects designed to promote learning across a number of subject areas. However, the vast majority of subjects are delivered discretely and the emphasis on English and Mathematics, Urdu and Science is maintained throughout the key stage 2 grades. Towards the end of the Grade 5 children will have become more independent learners and will be used to recording their work in a number of ways including the use of computer technology. It is seen as important that teachers should find ways of building upon children’s personal enthusiasm and interests. For this reason, amongst others children need to be involved in the planning of their own programme of work. Similarly, they should be encouraged to review critically and honestly what they have achieved and to plan further in collaboration with teaching staff upon this basis.
English (or Communication, Language and Literacy)
At ACE International Academy we believe the acquisition of good literacy skills is of utmost importance to all pupils. We believe that a sound understanding and knowledge of literacy, not only enables a child to develop as an individual, but also to access the curriculum as a whole.
We encourage and value the involvement of parents in our children’s literacy learning. We communicate regularly with parents and encourage them to support their child’s learning in various ways. We encourage learning beyond the classroom by sending home activities such as reading, spelling and handwriting for you to support your child. We have a system of remedial classes twice a month with their consent which brings additional support in Literacy across the school.
The school benefits from a rich Reading programme. Reading Competitions are carried out each academic year .
Speaking and Listening
We believe that all children should be given the opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills in all areas of the curriculum. All children are encouraged to take an active role in their learning and contribute their own thoughts and ideas.
We aim to draw children’s attention to the spoken language and how we use it. We encourage them to develop love of language through varied activities such as word games, spelling games, poetry and rhymes, good quality literature, songs, drama, role play and dictionary work.
At ACE International Academy we love reading and we want all of our pupils to love it too. Children begin by learning to read and then read to learn. We understand that children develop at different rates and follow different paths into reading. We cater for individual needs and have a structured but flexible approach. We give children opportunities to develop the full range of reading skills and become mature and enthusiastic readers.
There is a detailed and well structured reading scheme in place based on Oxford Reading Tree, T Tree , Book Band and other materials. Alongside this children take part in structured phonics lessons to develop their decoding skills.
Central to all our teaching of reading is the importance of reading for meaning with an emphasis on comprehension. Children are encouraged to develop higher order reading skills, such as inference and deduction through discussion with adults and with each other. We do reading competition every year.
Children are given opportunities to write for a wide range of purposes, not only within specific literacy lessons, but across the curriculum. Children develop their understanding of a range of text types and how to write in a variety of forms. They are encouraged to develop their skills in spelling and handwriting and to redraft and improve their writing. We encourage our children to create their own stories to become authors and poets.
We want our children to enjoy mathematics and feel confident about using and applying their skills and knowledge in a variety of situations. In line with the Curriculum, we believe that it is vital for children to have a sound grasp of concepts involved before moving on to more abstract methods. Our detailed and practical scheme of work covers number, money, shape, space, measures and data handling.
We aim to develop logical thinking through problem–solving and investigative work and children are encouraged to communicate their findings orally, using jottings, by formal written methods and graphically. Numeracy lessons are split into three parts with great emphasis being placed on the teaching of structured mental strategies. Information technology is an important resource for mathematics computers and smart board are used, investigative work and reinforcement of basic skills.
Children are set for mathematics from G1 to G 5 so that work can be matched very carefully to the children’s stage of development. Their progress is monitored regularly and children may move sets according to their needs.
Science in our Curriculum concerns living things, materials and their properties and physical processes such as sound and light. Our science topics are planned to cover these three areas. This scientific knowledge is taught through investigative processes during which the children learn to plan investigations, obtain evidence and consider their results. Skills such as observing, questioning, predicting, measuring, recording, evaluating and communicating their findings (orally and in writing) are all developed as children move through the school. Once again, the computer is an important tool for learning.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)/Computing
Information technology is increasingly important in our system as a tool for learning and communication – it is also very motivating for the children! We are fortunate at ACE International Academy to have two computer suites in our School where a whole class can be taught simultaneously.
In addition, each classroom is networked, giving all the children access to the internet via classroom computers and the Interactive White Board. This allows the children to use and practice the skills they have learnt in the ICT suite to support and enrich the different subjects within the curriculum.
The children learn about their own community as well as contrasting localities in some depth. From the very beginning they also develop a sense of the wider world as they use maps, globes, atlases and ICT in their work. The school grounds and Bahria Town are used for practical field–work and environmental and economic awareness.
In history, the children begin to develop an awareness of the past and how it differs from the present. They learn about changes in their own lives and those of their family, as well as about people living long ago.
We have strong links with a number of past pupils who share their memories of school life with the children. Other sources of information include artefacts, photographs, books and ICT.As children progress through the school they enjoy taking part in theme days such as “Roman day” and thematic assemblies when they are able to come to school in costume and activities are planned to make history really seem to ‘come alive’ for the children.
In Urdu students develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. They learn to become good readers of stories, poetry and dramas as well as notification text.
Easy Urdu
Students of Grade 1-7 will have the opportunity of studying Easy Urdu if coming from overseas; and are absolutely unfamiliar with the language. Students of Grades 1-6will be allowed to take up the subject for a maximum period of two(02) years
After the stipulated period, students availing the facility of studying Easy Urdu will not be allowed to continue with the subject as by this time they are expected to be equipped to meet the requirement of the language. At the completion of 02 years all such students will be required to take up Regular Urdu along with the other students of their class.
Art & Design Technology
Art is an integral part of our thematic approach to teaching where there is an emphasis on the skills taught. Year groups and phase leaders are responsible for planning, reviewing and adapting these plans to keep the curriculum themes interesting and relevant for the pupils.
We believe that art plays an integral part in children’s physical, cultural, social and aesthetic development. Children across school enjoy using a variety of tools and techniques including ICT. This gives them the opportunity to develop understanding of the process involved in producing a piece of art.
Individual classes take responsibility for producing display boards in the halls and corridors. The work of each child is valued and displayed over the course of the year. Art Exhibition every year is held to encourage the children and inspire the parents.
The children learn how to design and make things using materials such as clay, textiles, wood, food and construction kits. Being able to talk about their ideas, select appropriate tools and materials, assemble and join components appropriately and safely and evaluate their finished item are all important elements of the technology curriculum.
Physical Education
P.E. plays an important role in promoting co–ordinated physical activity as well as healthy lifestyles and consequently P.E. is carefully time–tabled for every class. All the children are taught how to safely use both small and large apparatus. They learn how to work both independently as well as collaboratively with other children. In the Foundation and KS1 , the children begin to learn about team-work, so that as they progress to the KS2 Department, they are ready to play a wide range of team games such as rounders, cricket, netball and football.
Our children have timetable for swimming sessions every week in own premises.
Ballet/Dance in a variety of forms is enjoyed throughout the school and our school performances are well known for featuring an exciting range of both Ballet and PE routine.
Many of our extracurricular activities also involve PE and the children can get involved in activities such as gymnastics, dance, football, cricket and netball. Letters are sent home informing you of what is on offer for and children can choose.
Modern Foreign Language (Mandarin)
Mandarin is our core modern foreign language and children are encouraged to become familiar with simple words and phrases in KS1. In KS2 they begin to learn Mandarin in a more structured way, but with an emphasis on fun and enjoyment. They learn a range of vocabulary and simple phrases, beginning with oral work and progressing to reading and writing. There is a strong emphasis on intercultural understanding which extends to other languages and cultures too.
Music is an extremely important part of the curriculum at ACE International Academy and all the children have an opportunity to take part in a wide range of musical activities – singing, composing using simple tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments and performing to others. As well as music in class lessons, assemblies and special concerts also provide opportunities for singing and children also share their talents, whatever the standard they may have reached.
Islamiyat takes place in accordance with the ‘Agreed Text’ of the school. Respect and tolerance for one another is integral to the values that we promote at ACE International Academy.
Assembly and Collective Prayers
Daily assembly is taking place at ACE International. However, the religious beliefs of all our pupils and their parents are valued and respected. We also do Good Work Assembly on weekly bases.
Extra–Curricular Activities
Our school has an excellent reputation for providing a very wide range of extra curricular activities – at any one time these may include the expressive arts (music, dance, drama, art), science and sports activities. Your child will bring home letters explaining what is on offer at any particular time.